Children & Youth
On this page you will find brief details of the groups and activities involving children and young people which take place at All Saints’. To find out more please get in touch.
We are delighted when parents bring their babies or young children to All Saints’ for baptism, or christening as it is sometimes called.
For more information please see our Baptism page.
Children are welcome at all our services, but they will particularly enjoy our Worship Together service, normally held on the first Sunday morning of the month, and The Sunday Special Service, held on all the other Sundays. Please see our Sunday Services page for more details.
Children-in-Church meets every Wednesday during term time between 9.30 and 11.30 am in the Church Centre. It provides a happy and friendly environment where pre-school children can play and enjoy a range of other activities with their parents and grandparents, including a short service in the church followed by refreshments. No need to book in advance, just come along. There is a small charge.
The Boys’ Brigade
Our 7th Chelmsford Boys' Brigade Company provides a varied programme of interest for boys of all ages. Our Anchors (5 – 8 years) and Juniors (8 – 11 years) meet on Monday evenings at 6.00 pm, and our Company / Seniors (11 – 19 years) meet on Fridays at 7.30 pm, in the Church Centre. You can keep up to date with what's happening in BB through our BB website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Rainbows Brownies and Guides
The Rainbows, the Brownies and the Guides meet in the Hall of the Church Centre during term time, and enjoy a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Rainbows is for girls aged 5 – 7, Brownies is for girls aged 7 – 10, and Guides is for girls aged 10 – 14. Girls can meet new friends, and as well as the activities planned by their unit, can take part in other Guiding events arranged either locally as a District or nationally.
All Saints’ Pre-School
All Saints' Pre-School caters for children aged from 2 to 4 years, and is open during term times on Monday Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and Wednesday and Friday afternoons. We are a traditional, friendly and nurturing pre-school with a stimulating environment indoors and outdoors, offering learning through play giving the children lots of new experiences eg Gardening, Cooking and Woodwork.
We have a 'Good' Ofsted grading, and we welcome visitors who are interested in a placement for their child.
For more information please see our Facebook page or send us an email.